Radiation Shielding in PET Scan Rooms

 PET Scan Room

PET Scan Room

Typically utilizes a very high energy positron emitting radioactive isotope (such as Fluorine-18) with a short half-life (i.e.110 minutes) for medical diagnosis imaging of various serious health issues such as cancer or tumors. PET scanning typically involves the higher energy levels of 511kev. Rooms are typically larger in size from 18'0" x 20'0" and up to 24'0" x 32'0". These rooms require shielded walls, a large x-ray glass control window (minimum 48"wide x 36" high) for a clear view of patient and procedures.

Radiation Shielding Requirements

Shielding must be calculated by a physicist or radiation expert retained by the facility. Shielding is based on the specific imaging equipment utilized and typically will involve several different heavier lead thicknesses and possible ceiling shielding depending upon radiation fields, surrounding uncontrolled occupancy factors and other considerations such as if equipment and room will be utilized in a dual modality application with Computerized Tomography capabilities, which sometimes require additional shielding. Additional structural support or seismic considerations may apply depending upon heavier lead weight load requirements and will need to be reviewed by the client’s structural engineer. PET scan rooms require the support of 2 or more "uptake" patient injection rooms with heavier lead shielding, and a hot lab room for dose calibration and loading. Ray-Bar was a pioneer in the developement of the prototype room and shielding of the cyclotron that produced the F-18 511kvp isotope. Since that time, Ray-Bar has provided shielding for hundreds of PET scan installations nationwide.

Contact Us to Learn More About Ray-Bar's Superior Radiation Shielding Products

If you need high-performance radiation protection, Ray-Bar Engineering is your solution. For over 80 years, customers have trusted Ray-Bar's X-ray glass and our other high-quality shielding products to provide superior life and safety  protection in medical, hospital and industrial NDT environments. With a complete line of radiation shielding products, we can provide the proper materials to completely meet your all of your facility's specific requirements.

Request a quote or contact us today to learn how Ray-Bar can help you achieve your radiation safety requirements. To view our full line of radiation protection materials and other related products, visit Ray-Bar Engineering Corporation. Ray-Bar is your single stop full service source for industry-leading radiation shielding products and solutions.

For additional technical assistance in designing and providing your Positron Emission Tomography Room / PET Scanner Room needs and requirements:
Call 1(800) 444-XRAY or e-mail sales@raybar.com.

"When protection is required, there is no substitute for skill and experience"